AMuSE discussion public forum on Multilingualism in Schools now open
AMuSE discussion public forum on Multilingualism in Schools now open
AMuSE has launched a publicly available online discussion forum open to everyone interested in discussing issues related to multilingualism at schools. The forum can be accessed at or by clicking on the speech bubble called “Discussion” on the AMuSE website. To start an engaging debate on multilingualism in schools, you will find different questions there waiting for your views, reactions, and proposals. The discussion forum will be moderated by the AMuSE project team, and we will consider important insights and ideas brought forward in the discussions for the project’s final recommendations to policy makers and educators. In order to participate in the forum, you can follow the link above and then need to register directly at the forum page.
We would like to invite you to share your experience and take part in discussions on the topic of multilingualism in schools.
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39100 Bolzano / Bozen - Italy
Tel: +39 0471 055 111
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