Almost a Bestseller in Albania
Almost a Bestseller in Albania

A collection of learning strategies targeted at 10 to 14-year-old pupils, called “My smart study book” by Basil Schader, receives a surprising echo in Albanian speaking areas: 1000 copies of the Albanian version of the smart study book with the title of «Si të mësoj sa më mirë?» (‘how can I study best?’) is currently distributed for free and tested in various schools. The smart study book was written with support of IPE, QUIMS and the project AMuSE, and an Albanian version is now also printed in Switzerland with financial support from Institut Suisse des Etudes Albanaises (ISEAL) in Lausanne. Hosted by the Albanian ministry of education, the smart study book was officially welcomed in the context of a vernissage and dinner followed by a TV interview with the author and the translator (Nuhi Gashi) in Prishtina on April 10. The success of the study aid is probably due to the fact that it fills a gap in the local didactic literature and because of its practical design in two parts: The part featuring the actual learning strategies is preceded by a practical training programme in 10 sections, summarizing the basic prerequisites for being successful at school. These basics comprise unwritten norms and general characteristics such as sufficient sleep, a silent studying atmosphere, maintaining a study schedule, etc., which are helpful reminders for both pupils and parents.

The Albanian version can be downloaded for free at or at, where a Turkish, a Serbo-Croatian, and a Portuguese version of part 1 is also available. The German version was published in 2012 by Orell Füssli, Zurich
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