Visit to bilingual grammar school in Narva and discussion at Narva College in Estonia
Visit to bilingual grammar school in Narva and discussion at Narva College in Estonia
As part of the 2nd International Expert Meeting of AMuSE at the University of Tartu, the project team had the opportunity to get an impression of how bilingualism is implemented at the grammar school in Narva, the third largest city in Estonia on the border to Russia. Representatives presented the bilingual grammar school, at which about 460 pupils study, most of them from Russian speaking backgrounds. The languages of instruction at the school are Estonian and Russian. After the presentation, the local representatives and the AMuSE team discussed together some challenges of bilingual instruction such as alphabetization of pupils in Estonian and Russian as well as usage of Estonian outside of the school. The visit to the school was followed by a meeting at Narva College of teacher education. At the college, the team participated in a discussion on the topic of multilingualism in teacher education. At the center of discussion were questions related to the understanding of multilingualism, to models of multilingualism at schools, and to migration and multilingualism. The discussion unveiled that multilingualism is frequently framed in a context of CLIL. At the end, the discussions touched upon future perspectives on how to develop multilingualism at Estonian schools and in the education system. An insightful overview of the history of Narva concluded the visit of the AMuSE team.
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